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iShares ETFs

Port iShares FI_1.jpg

Fixed Income DM

Port iShares FI_2.jpg
iShares Fixed Income DM

Here is an example of one of the many direct mailers created for iShares Canada. â€‹This is a double gate fold piece and was clipped at the top for mailing. 


The valuable information was also made into a matching 4 page standard 8.5" x 11" brochure. â€‹The size works well with all the other related information sent to clients. A PDF file exists online and can also be downloaded, viewed or printed. 


Here is an example of a Fixed Income 1 pager, that would be sent with the brochure. Also available online. 


The direct mailer, brochure and 1 pagers were created in both French and English.


Client: BlackRock Asset Management Canada

Services: Graphic design, project coordination, client/supplier contact

Fixed Income DM full layout

Port iShares FI_3.jpg

Standard brochure version 

Port iShares FI_4.jpg

Example of a Fixed Income 1 pager

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